“Engaging the business community to enhance a vibrant regional economy.”
Your Chamber is Dedicated To
Help Create a Strong Local Economy
Promote the Community
Provide Networking Opportunities and Business Contact
Represent Business Interest to Government
Political Action
Every action the North Clackamas Chamber takes is aimed at promoting and advocating for an environment that allows for a strong business presence and enables growth and competition. To succeed, a key focus of our energy is to advocate for business and take action with our cities, county and state that assures business can operate with appropriate regulations, taxes, and representation.
It is also essential that businesses work together to find solutions for their own needs, so the Chamber provides opportunity for owners, leaders, and decision makers to come together at meaningful forums and events to allow them to connect and create the relationships that help them to answer their most difficult questions.
The Chamber has also taken an instrumental role to support and enhance leaders’ awareness and skills training by offering advanced leadership training and business education programs. Owners and emerging leaders can gain the professional development to become visionary and dedicated leaders that will help our community thrive.
Lastly but by no means least, Your Chamber promotes the North Clackamas Region including the 4 cities and large unincorporated area that we serve amongst each other and outside the region for business development as well as tourism for economic vitality that support jobs and the livability of this beautiful area.
If you’d like to learn more about the North Clackamas Chamber please call us at (503) 654-7777 or email info@yourchamber.com