Your Place for NETWORKING
Every Friday morning members and guests gather at a different host business location for networking and connecting. You’ll have ample opportunity to meet people, exchange business cards, learn about the host business and be introduced to everyone in the room as the microphone passes from person to person. This free event requires no advance registration. Networking events are a great way to expand your outreach and build new partnerships. Guests are welcome.
Check out our upcoming Events.
Business Connection Exchange– is a special form of networking that is held quarterly. It’s like “speed dating for business”. This is a great way to learn more about other members businesses and for you to present a two-minute overview of your business in a short period of time. Six people sit at a table together, each is provided time to talk about their services and offerings, when the alarm sounds, you move to another table and begin again. Usually 3 rounds are completed and by the end of the program you will have learned about 18 businesses and they you. Bring lots of business cards and brochures and enjoy making new business friends! Guests are welcome.
Showcases– are similar to a mini trade show. Approximately twelve member businesses will showcase during this event. Each will be provided about 5 minutes to talk about their services and offerings. It’s a very good way to let all our guests know what differentiates you from your competitors. These are especially useful for businesses that do not have a storefront.
Hosting– when you become a Chamber member you have the ability to host any of our networking events. This allows about 40-50 business professionals to visit your business location, talk about what you do, meet your staff and really get to know more about you in order to refer you to their personal networks. It is required of hosts to provide food and beverage and coffee is a must!