Be a part of Getting Things Done
We invite all members to become more engaged and consider joining a team or committee. Through this type of involvement, you begin building stronger relationships that become more fruitful both personally and professionally.
The Chamber teams and committee’s make things happen. Through your support we achieve our goals of providing professional programs and services to not just your business, but all businesses throughout our community.
Joining a team or committee is voluntary and is open to any active Chamber member.
Want to learn more, feel free to call the Chamber office and visit with us about where your passions are best suited.
PUBLIC POLICY/GAC: Meets the First Monday of every month. Join us to hear topics that affect our communities. This team brings in guest speakers and industry experts to help us review issues, legislation and ballot measures to make more informed decisions. This team will forward recommendations to the Board for positions on local, regional, state and national issues; they support events for candidates, ballot measures and items of regional concern for businesses.
EDUCATION/PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE: This Committee is engaged in the development of business and professional programs and events. Programs are developed based on member and business needs as well as the Chamber’s own mission and goals. Business education, leadership and professional development to help support our members growth and success are our prime objective. The committee leverages the collective synergy and efforts by our volunteers and Board led programs. Its goal is to enhance mentoring opportunities to deliver professional development and training opportunities.
AMBASSADORS: Membership event planning group – for weekly AM Business and Connection Exchange’s, Business After Hours, Christmas Breakfast, ribbon cuttings and grand openings. This team is instrumental in member outreach, recruitment and retention.
COMMERCE IN THE ROUGH – ANNUAL GOLF SCRAMBLE: This team helps to plan and organize our Chambers golf tournament that takes place early June each year. Since this is our Chamber’s largest fund raiser for our operations all hands are on deck to make it successful. Golfers at all level’s come out to play each year so the team’s commitment is to make it the best experience possible. Planning begins in February each year, so team meetings can be monthly or as needed, based on our progress. Team members are asked to promote the tournament outside the Chamber to gain support from their partners.
WILMA – Women in Leadership and Management is a two-prong approach to supporting and celebrating women in our business community. This team helps to ensure that our annual Academy and Awards Luncheon are ongoing and continue delivering the value that we have become known for. The team helps to plan, deliver and market the programs throughout Clackamas County. To learn more, you can ready about these programs on our Events tab.