Chamber 101 – Getting the best value from your membership
Chamber 101 is offered every month as a virtual event for new members and guests.
Hear from our Ambassadors and staff as they describe the benefits of being a Chamber member. You will learn how to create and navigate our offerings by building your own personal “Chamber Success Plan”.
From Noon to 12:45 pm, you will learn all that the chamber has to offer, how to best engage yourself to gain the most value from your membership and work with volunteers and staff to determine what businesses you’re looking to connect with and at what events to gain the best visibility.
During Chamber 101, we will focus on: The Chamber’s role in the community, Business Advocacy and why it’s important for your business, good techniques for networking, what special events and professional training, classes and leadership programs we offer. Volunteerism – learn how teamwork can help make your business more successful and gain even more value from your membership!
Not sure membership is right for you. This is a perfect chance to learn more about us and how membership can help you to gain visibility, expand your market outreach and develop new relationships that will provide your own customers with added value. Members support members.
Since Chamber 101 (new member orientation), has turned to a virtual event, join us at our weekly networking events, the AM Business Connection (ABC) that takes place every Friday (exception of holiday weekends). At the ABC, you will have time to network with other guests and members so make sure to bring plenty of business cards.
Registration is required for Chamber 101. Please register online and feel free to contact Heather Dankenbring, our Membership Director, if you have any questions.
We look forward to meeting you and in helping you to get the best value our of your Chamber membership!
What has Chamber 101 done for you?
Chamber 101 is an excellent class. Not only did we get to learn everything that the Chamber is involved with locally and the state level on our behalf (and it’s A LOT), but I got to learn about the many ways I can be involved. When I joined I only thought of chambers of commerce as a “business club” where I might be able to do some networking with other business owners a couple times per month. Now I know it’s so much more. And, clearly the key to success is to be involved consistently.
I’ve already developed some great personal and business relationships that have created mutual benefit. Chamber works!
New Member Benefits
- Announced as a new member in our weekly newsletter – first full month
- 4 Electronic Ad’s – in Chamber Newsletter
- 3 – 30 second radio ads on KBNP Business Radio AM1410
- Business listing in Member Directory
- Member Showcase
- Professional development classes
- A ticket for one-free Business Forum event
- Member profile – published in E-Newsletter
- A free copy of our membership list
- Referrals from calls into the Chamber looking for a contact within your industry
- Networking events to promote your business
New Member Advocate Program
As a new Chamber member, you’ll be assigned a New Member Advocate (NMA) who is one of our Chamber Ambassadors. Your NMA is there to help you get engaged and to help you meet businesses who you are looking to connect with to make the most out of your membership.
We cannot guarantee your membership will generate instant returns on your investment, but with engagement and an investment in your time, you will build relationships with other members and in some cases, build long lasting relationships that are even more rewarding that a single business exchange.
Interested in becoming an Ambassador? contact the Chamber staff to visit.