WILMA Sponsors

Women in Leadership and Management Academy (WILMA)

The WILMA Academy provides managers, leaders and emerging leaders with the opportunity to learn and practice interpersonal skills they will use every day. The course teaches leaders the interaction essentials they need to handle the variety of challenges and opportunities encountered every day in the workplace and beyond.

Prior to 2017, hundreds of employees have completed the Leadership Academy from Clackamas Community College and have gone on to make significant contributions to their organizations, with many experiencing personal and professional growth.

The WILMA Academy provides managers, leaders and emerging leaders with the opportunity to learn and practice interpersonal skills they will use every day. The course teaches leaders the interaction essentials they need to handle the variety of challenges and opportunities encountered every day in the workplace and beyond.

Timeline – 2025 Training Schedule
Each class will consist of in-person or virtual instructional hours, with the option of instructor availability before or after class or via email. Instruction will start at 8:00am and run until 12:30pm; 12:30-1:00 is lunch; 1:00-2:00 is available for coaching by the instructor. One exception: the January class is 6 hours of instruction.

January 23 – Authentic Strengths-based Leadership*(Harmony Campus)
February 20 – Communication for Leaders (Zoom)
March 20 – Coaching & Performance Management (Harmony Campus)
April 17 – Delegation & Development (Zoom)
May 15 – Conflict Management (Zoom)
June 19 – Creating Shared Goals (Harmony Campus)
*January class is 8:00am until 2:00pm, all other class days end at 12:30pm.


Participants who successfully complete this training will be eligible for 2.7 Continuing Education Units (CEUs).

Registration for 2025 class is open. Scholarships are available, download 2023-Scholarship-Application.

Class size limited to 24 students. Men are encouraged to attend.

Cost $699 – includes course materials and professional trainers.

This program is offered in partnership between Clackamas Community College and the North Clackamas Chamber of Commerce.

Sponsorships available.

For those who have complete the WILMA Academy, we are now providing the ADVANCED WILMA ACADEMY to further your leadership skills. LEARN MORE HERE

or Download the Advanced WILMA flier

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