Cooperative Work Experience (CWE) at Clackamas Community College (CCC) connects students with area employers to gain valuable experience in their area of study. CCC will host an Employer Recognition event for employers involved with CWE students on Tuesday, June 11, from 4:00pm to 6:00pm in the Gregory Forum.

CWE is an internship program that enables students to earn college credit by working in a job directly related to their field of study. The experience links students, area employers and faculty advisers in valuable on-the-job learning.

The CWE experience offers expanding learning experiences through exposure to actual work situations, organizational relationships, equipment and techniques that can’t be replicated in the classroom. The program creates a vital bridge between college studies and workplace success.

The college also plans to survey employers working with CWE to gather information to improve the internship experience for both employers and students.

The June 11 event will include refreshments, a brief presentation on CWE and recognition of employers that work with the program. For information, please contact Pam Allen at[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]