The role of prisons in the United States is the focus of an October 16 presentation at Clackamas Community College (CCC). Independent scholar and writer Walidah Imarisha presents, “Beyond Bars: Re-envisioning the Prison System” from 3:00pm to 5:00pm in the Gregory Forum at CCC’s Oregon City campus.

Imarisha has researched prison issues for more than 10 years. She helped found the Human Rights Coalition, a prisoners’ family organization in Pennsylvania, and has facilitated writing workshops in correction facilities and public schools. Imarisha was a founding editor or AWOL Magazine and co-edited the 9/11 anthology Another World is Possible. Imarisha has taught in Portland State University’s Black Studies Department.

The presentation begins with a brief multimedia history of prisons and alternative justice systems, followed by a conversation about alternatives to incarceration.

The Oct. 16 presentation is open to the public, and there is no cost to attend. This program is hosted by the CCC Foundation and the Clackamas County Children of Incarcerated Parents Committee, and sponsored by Oregon Humanities.

For more information, please contact Ida Flippo at 503-594-3363 or email .
